Wednesday, July 16, 2008

EDW: Encore des Belges

Further to my earlier comments about Belgian beers and Brel, it's only fair to show the other side of the country. Especially as this funny little fellow is probably the best known Belgian musician of all; so much so in fact that the type of mind that thinks naming five famous Belgians is a difficult and amusing exercise normally comes up with Plastic Bertrand as one of them.

The song itself is, apparently, about a drunken sexual encounter. I imagine that all of those reading this will have no more knowledge of these things than I do, so we'll just have to take him at his word on that. However, I'm pretty confident that anyone who can carry of this combination of pinstripe suit jacket, white scarf, leather trousers and white trainers (nor one can dance, in his own words "comme un grand connard") will surely not be lacking in female company for long.

The best-dressed Belgian of all, however, is a fictional character. But then you probably know that.

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Blogger Quink said...

You need to visit

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