Wednesday, December 05, 2007

EDW: Yulia Tymoshenko

There are many things you can criticise the former and - most probably - future Ukrainian Prime Minister for; not least the cult of personality which her website does little to resist.

One thing you can't criticise is her awareness of the power of image and her talent for stylish power dressing which puts most Western politicians - male or female - to shame. Here she has dressed with all the care of a knight putting on a suit of armour – the braid alone is a weapon. It's little wonder that she lends herself to iconography. Certainly it beats Viktor Yanukovych's sartorial efforts.

Since I have little doubt that she is an avid reader of this blog, I'd like to offer the following advice to Wendy Alexander. If you started dressing like this, no one will be calling for your resignation. (Oh and try to lose the mixture of arrogance, self righteousness, entitlement and vindictiveness too, thanks)

(Thanks to Dom for the pic and other stuff).

UPDATE: A partial defence of Mr Yanukovich is offered the comments to Quink's in no way girlish writings about shoes. It looks like he – Yanukovich that is, not Quink – has fallen into the oligarch's trap of believing that money can buy you taste and confusing expense with style.



Blogger Glamourpuss said...

She looks like a waxwork in the photograph - almost too perfect. Savvy, the nationalistic bent of her sartorial style.


10:07 am  
Blogger Crankster said...

Interesting points. Tymoshenko looks iconic here. She seems to have the same sense of personal identity that one associates with an Evita Peron, Amelia Earheart, or even Jacqueline Kennedy. She could be easily reduced to a few visual cues, and that makes her amazingly powerful.

Yanukovych, on the other hand, looks like John Gotti.

5:41 am  

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