Typo of the Week
Now were Eagleton a pompous gobshite like Giles Coren, he'd be well within his rights to fire off an angry rant to whoever edited that. (But then Eagleton isn't a self-satisfied twerp who got his job off the back of who daddy was; and he doesn't need hundreds of words to explain his jokes in the fashion of a pub bore who gets upset when people don't laugh at his quips).
Via a Lib Dem.
A day late, but enjoy anyway. Better to see the updates come through in real time.
A Twitter, that's a bridge too far for my mildly techno-sceptic mindset. Doubtless I'll come round to it in time.
Cheers for the link, Guv.
I'm with you on Twitter. And Coren. And I'm sure there are many people who'd pay good money to be bummed to death.
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